Tuesday 9 September 2014


Thai sarong in hot pink and blue

Victoria and David Beckham, David in his infamous sarong

In my previous post i touched on the topic of the difficulty of holiday clothing (i'm hesitant to call it resort wear).

I always find that, during holidays where the only exercise involves walking from the pool to the fridge for another glass of peach iced tea, my love for clothes sort of flys out of the window. 

The ease of instantly wrapping yourself in something comforting is the largest contributing factor, yet trying to find a sarong that isn't too displeasing to the eye can prove a challenge. I wanted to see if this look could ever appeal as more than just a pool-side aesthetic, and possibly with a tight black t-shirt this could work (for both men and women). 

My sister's initial reaction was that i looked slightly like Bex, shown to the left- i think as a man, in a very 'typically male' profession, David Beckham has taken some huge masculinity risks and pulled them off. I'm not saying i am the biggest fan of this look, or his days of long hair, but as a male exposed to the public's scrutiny i can applaud his bravery. 

Although, if going into public with this attire one would have to carefully consider how the fabric is tied.. because any accidental flashing could prove fatal- or illegal. 


  1. PLEASE get better at writing my snail can write better than this, and he's dead. and brown.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
